Monday, March 23, 2009

His First Two Wheeled Bike

Is it just me, or are kids not supposed to be excited about bicycles? I remember one Christmas my older brother and I got matching three speed bicycles. They were WAY too big for me. I mean sitting on the seat I couldn't even get my feet to touch the pedals, never mind put them flat on the ground the way they should fit. But as a kid, it was a new bike, and it was perfect. Dad offered to cut some wood blocks and tape them to the pedals to add an extra two inches. In today's world, that might even be illegal to ride like that, but to me, back then it was all I needed to reach the pedals and take off. It was December, in Wisconsin. Talk about bad conditions for getting a bicycle. That didn't stop us. We went outside and rode our new bikes on new fallen snow, on rural, never gonna see a snow plow roads near our house. I am sure I hit the road no fewer than four times that day sliding on patches of ice, but wearing a full snowmobile suit and winter mittens reduced the pain. It was the 1970's, don't for a minute think there was a helmet involved. People who rode bicycles didn't wear helmets back then. You just learned not to let your head bounce off the road when you fell. Now that I think about it, how am I still alive?
Fast forward to 2009:
For T's fourth birthday his grandma and grandpa bought him his first two wheeled bike. A green, orange and silver piece of machinery that would have made any kid wet themselves with excitement. It was hidden from view while he was opening his other presents, and I asked him to come into the other room to help me with something. To get to me he had to walk right past the bike. He turned the corner, saw the bike and said,"whose bike is this?" "It is for you!", we all shouted. "Oh, that's nice." he replied. While we were all excited about him getting his first two wheeled bike, four wheels if you count the training wheels, T on the other hand was much less enthusiastic.
A few days of bad weather came through where it wasn't possible to go outside and try the new bike, but even so, he never looked at the bike which was right there in the living room. He never asked about being able to ride it. It was as if he had received a chair for his birthday, but at least that he might have sat on. Finally the weather cleared up and we were able to go outside and try to get him on the bike. I talked up the bike and finally got him to feign interest in wanting to ride it. We got his helmet on and I put him on the bike. Granted, it was a little big for him, I think that's the way grandpa likes to buy bikes, but he could reach the pedals. I offered to push him around the driveway, hoping that just being on the bike and moving would in some way inspire him to want to push the pedals and take off on his own power. But, after one lap up and down our driveway he decided he wanted to go pick some of the flowers in the yard for his mommy. Nothing I could say after that would get him back onto the bike again. It is not as if he doesn't like to ride. He has a tricycle, and he cruises on that with no problem. He knows how to pedal that and can practically leave skid marks on the kitchen floor from taking off so fast. The brand new awesome two wheeler on the other hand, nothing, nada, zero interest.
Well, after trying to use all those expensive child psychology classes from college, I decided that the bike, being too tall made him feel insecure. The tricycle was low, and he could always put his feet down if he was worried. Following this theory, grandma and grandpa graciously came and took the big bike back and we exchanged it for a smaller bike. Not only that, I let him go to the store and sit on different bikes to decide which was the best one for him so it would be his decision. I don't know, call it kitchen sink psychology at this point. That helped a little, but still I couldn't get him to ride in the driveway more than five minutes. Out of frustration I put the bike in the house, and he has started riding it around in the kitchen. (It is very small, and he rides rather slowly, so it seems OK. Besides, it's a double-wide on a chicken farm, so, yes we are those kind of people right now who let their son ride his bike around in the house.) Finally, at bed time he wanted to drive his "motorcycle" across the kitchen to his bedroom. FINALLY! An unprompted, unforced ride on his bicycle. That's all this daddy wanted to see. Was that too much to ask? Just a little interest and enthusiasm about having your own bike. I know, I know. Patience...
Now, I can start looking forward to when he is a teenager and I buy him a piece of junk car for us to rebuild so he can have some pride in his first car, knowing that he had to build most of it himself and it probably took two years to get running perfectly. I am guessing that's not going to go over well.


Linh said...

I am hoping that when he is 16 he would still rather pick flowers for mommy. I can dream...

Wendy said...

I was just going to say that Linh:) Wesley is almost 9 and has NO interest in his bike!!

Otter said...

I was crazy about my first bike. I will have the same anxiety about the situation as you if my son doesn't seem to care. I have a while to wait on that though.

Rob said...

My son Shaun who is 6yrs keeps asking when I am going to clean the shed so he can ride his bike. I think he see me ride my bike so he wants to also.

Kelly said...

don't you hate it when you're more excited about something than they are? like christmas morning when i was so excited for my son to open his gifts and he just sat there and cried. sigh.

Ken said...

So, it is not just me then. I am sure there were things I showed less interest in than my parents thought I should have, but those memories don't get stored. I guess as a kid you focus on different things. I just assumed that certain things were inherent in all kids, like the desire to ride a bike as fast as possible to scare the heck out of your parents and make them regret ever buying you a bike.

Preston said...

Hey don't push him. Everyone is different and just remember that your childhold experiences will not necessarily match his. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. :)

john said...

my kids didnt appreciate anything until they got older. For some reason when they were around 4-5, things didnt seem like a big deal, now that they are older, they get excited. Its just a phase.

OldWestMom said...

Don't feel bad. My kiddo got a new trike for Christmas. I looked ALL OVER for just the right trike, and was so excited for him to see it! He sat on it a little Christmas morning, and hasn't touched it since. WTF?

It's not that he doesn't like to ride. At school, they can't keep him off the trikes and scooters. Sure, this one is a tad big, but not terrible. I even put a cool horn on it, and little license plate on the back with his name on it.

I just don't get it.

Thanks for the great comment on my post about adoption. I hope you keep giving me feedback. I love to hear from the prospective of the adoptee.

Melinda said...

how funny, DH did a post about bike riding/learning today LOL

Elle said...

J-Man wasn' thrilled about his first bike either. We went and looked at bikes and we told him he needed to get a bike and he sighed and said "I know" like we told him he had to go to the doctor. He's still not that thrilled with the whole bike thing.

Ken said...

Thanks for all the straight talk and encouragement. I understand that it is all timing and eventually everything has it's proper time. He will like bicycles when he likes them and not before. There is always the possibility that he never will like them. It would be sad though. Everyone wants their child to have similar interests so they can spend quality time doing things together they both enjoy. If it ends up that I have to change and do different things that they enjoy in order to spend that quality time, than I will adapt.
He has however started to ride the new bike a little more lately. It is just short bursts of riding, and then o to other things, but I will take what I can get.

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