Friday, January 9, 2009

Are You Kidding Me???

The bronchitis came back and my nose is stuffed up again. How am I supposed to run a farm if I am feeling deathly ill and can't breathe. (Yup, still overly dramatic.) Seriously though, this is the same thing I just got over. We send T back to school for two days and BLAM! he is sick, I am sick, the baby is sick and L is once again being our angel in our time of need. Honestly, I don't know how she puts up with me sometimes. Maybe I just look too pathetic as I hack up a lung with my nose running out of control. She surely must be reviewing those for better or worse, in sickness and in health clauses from our wedding to see of there is some sort of loophole. Luckily for me I think they are iron clad.

So, with all the sickness going around the kids again, I thought I would pass along this public service announcement. Someone was nice enough to send it to me after my last post on being sick, so I suppose it still is relevant.  Stay healthy! 


Melissa said...

That stinks! I hate sickness! This year it seems to be running rampant around here too. I guess it's this Georgia weather. It can't make up its mind whether to be warm or cold. Throws our immune systems wacky. Hope y'all feel better soon!

Nicole said...

Sorry to hear that you all are sick again--wishing you all a speedy recovery this time! Aargh!

jenn said...

hubby is sick for quite some time now too. i even bought some nasal decongestants for him tonight coz it seems his condition gets worse while he's in bed. thank God, i didnt get sick though. i was expecting it to happen coz i know how colds work but im thankful that my resistance is a lot better. btw, get well soon!

Zip n Tizzy said...

Sorry to hear it. That's such a drag.
While they still get sick, I have to say it does get better. They don't get AS sick any more, and it's not every time they leave the house.
I feel for you. I really do. Just a few more months till spring!

Stacy said...

Seems the last few months have been running rampant cold-wise (and bronchitis-wise) for lots of people...not fun! Hope you feel better soon!

Ken said...

Thanks again everyone for your kind thoughts. I'll be brief today since I feel horrible. I am guessing I need another trip into the doctor tomorrow to let him check me out. I hope soon to be well again and back commenting on your blogs, but today I finished working, and now I just need to rest as much as I can and take as much cold medicine as I can get into me safely. I'll update again after I visit the doctor.

Anne said...

I hope you are feeling better! The family (and the chickens) need you.

Jodi said...

Sorry to hear your not feeling well again, I hope you all get better very soon. Sending prayers your way. God bless.
