Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sick Little Girl

There should be a law. The law should say that kids in preschool have to wash their hands every 30 minutes. You might be able to guess why I would be an advocate for this new law, which sadly is not and will never be a real law. We are all sick again. It is like a never ending battle against the every mutant rhino-virus that runs rampant through a germ infested preschool. T seems to bring home a new cold virus every other week and then we all come down sick. His last school had a better hand washing policy and that lead to less times we had to suffer the savages of samples of sicknesses. (Sorry, just sounded like a good place to run some 's' sounds.) 

Anyway, we are all suffering sore throats and runny noses again. It's not so bad when people who can at least talk are sick, but it is so sad when a baby is suffering and can't even tell you how bad she feels except to form sad little grunts and occasional cries for assistance. (I'm attempting to help the letter 's' make a run at the most used letter. 'E' has had the title long enough and his head is starting to swell salaciously.) 

Today, Q woke up with a runny nose and sneezing, which made the runny nose a total mess. She then smears the runny snot with her slobbery hands making the matter worse. So, I get to spend my day cleaning up sneezy and her slippery face and hands. Luckily, she is wise in the ways of illnesses and knows that getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids is the answer. It seems the fire place area has no age limit when it comes to being a place to rest and nap. 


[caption id="attachment_670" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Rest and plenty of fluids."]Rest and plenty of fluids.[/caption]

We should have been able to see this coming because we have a wedding to go to this week end and how else could we make the long drive just a little more uncomfortable than to take it with two sick kids and two sick parents. Oh well, things could always be worse. At least its not the flu.


Mara said...

I will totally support you on that LAW and it should apply to ALL; students, teachers, professionals, cooks, chefs, EVERYBODY! I myself is prone to catching a cold, runny nose and I occasionally sneeze...a lot that's why I am a hundred percent advocate of washing hands (to avoid that pesky virus and other bacteria) before and after handling food, eating, going to the restroom, and after covering my mouth from a sneeze or a cough or handling dirty stuff like newspapers, old boxes, okay you get the idea. LOL. Seriously, though. I hope you and your family feel better soon. Lots of liquids, fruits and rest should do it with a little moving of the muscles to sweat out the bacteria or something. :)

john said...

I couldnt agree more, but then again, my kids are much older and since winter at least two of us were sick. This winter was tough and now we are all healthy. sorry for the set back with your little one.

I see she likes laying in front of the fireplace

Janelle said...

Yes, completely agree. Since daughter has been in preschool we've been sick every month. It stinks.

Elle said...

Sorry you're all sick. Last year at our house was horrible. It was J-Man's first year in kindergarten and he caught everything then gave it to us. I hope you all feel better for the wedding.

Signe said...

We've had a couple rounds of that stuff here this winter, as well. Not fun at all. It's awful seeing little ones sick. I hope you all get well quickly.

Ken said...

The last school he went to was very good about it. Sink right by the front door. Signs posted that anyone entering or leaving the classroom had to wash their hands. The kids had to wash their hands frequently between activities. I was very impressed. Unfortunately the economy closed their doors because they were part of a university and they couldn't keep that in their budget. Very sad.

Davida said...

I'd support that law. I hate germs and sickness. I load up on about 9 supplements a day to keep my immune system high. I haven't been sick in 2 years (and then, it was b/c of my pregnancy hormones). Anywho... I hope you guys are better soon and can enjoy the road trip and wedding.


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PeterMontee said...

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KonstantinMiller said...

How soon will you update your blog? I'm interested in reading some more information on this issue.