Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Q is So Close to Crawling

My little baby Q is now six months old, and she is so close to crawling that I think it really frustrates her. She can see things near her, and because she is so curious she just has to get over to them to grab it. I can see in her face how determined she is to get around. She will wiggle, turn using her arms, and roll until she gets to the place she wants to be. To move herself a few feet is a major effort, but she doesn't give up. A few of those major moves in a row however puts her close to a nap time. She just wears herself out. 

Q is also moved up to eating some solids. She started on some rice cereal to get used to the textures of food. It is fun watching her eat, some times she will look like a baby bird with her mouth wide open waiting for the little spoon to come drop off the food for her. So far she is a very good eater. I hope when we try other new foods she will adapt to them as easily. 

T is being the best big brother that I could imagine. I am so proud of him. He always talks about how he loves his baby sister. And on his own he will sometimes go over and pick up Q's toys that have fallen out of her reach and put them back into her hands so she can play with them. T has even been doing well at being quiet when we ask him to so Q can sleep at nap time. Initially he was insulted that we asked him to be quiet, and would get sad and just about cry, as if we had scolded him. But now he figured out we all have to be quieter when someone is taking a nap. When we remind him he will just keep going about his play, just a little quieter than before. 

T has also been doing very well at getting dropped off at school. He was a little needy for a while at the new school, but we seem to be beyond that. Today when I dropped him off he stood by me for a minute, but then went off to play. I said good bye to him and he waved good bye to me as I left. No problems at all. It is nice to see him growing up so well. I am not sure if we are doing something right, or just happen to be the luckiest parents around. Maybe it is a bit of both.


Preston said...

Dude, you are such a good daddy. I remembered when Heather first started to crawl. Boy could she move. And be glad Q has that determination. It will server her well in the years to come.

Anthony Vecchioni said...

I really miss the days when our son would waddle as he tried to steady himself against a piece of furniture. That has got to be the most innocent memory in the play book. Does it get any better when they fall to their bottom and wait a few seconds to see what it means?

Sounds like you're doing a great job. Must be really special to see T take on the role of a helpful big brother.


Raquel said...

Wow, what a detailed update to both of them. Baby Q is going to walk soon and interested to eat in anything. At this age we have to careful and keep them away from small objects. ;)

Ken said...

I remember when T was learning to walk. It was both fun and scary at the same time. I have a lot of video of him falling down on his bottom as he lost his balance. I miss those days, but at the same time I love the toddler phase so much. It has awakened the creativity in me that had lay dormant for so many years. I mean, when was the last time you took a box and pretended it was a train? You just look silly if you don't have a toddler next to you! LOL

Toni said...

Sounds like you all are having a great time. It was such a relief earlier this fall when Hunter started being excited about going to "school" (Mother's Day Out)

stephentan82 said...

Sorry for the spelling mistake. Supposed to be 'U got wonderful children.' :D

Ken said...

Thanks Toni. We are definitely having a good time raising these two. It is funny that growing up I never thought about having kids. In fact, among guys it is always a taboo subject, even through college. Guys never get to talk about being a dad until they are one. I am glad I was able to release my inner dadness. lol That should be my site's name. Release Your Inner Dadness. Or maybe a book, or infomercial. LOL

Thank You Stephan for visiting. Spelling and grammar mistakes are allowed, since I make them all the time.