Sunday, February 15, 2009


1. The funniest thing to the baby lately is "1 - 2 -3  SWEET POTATOES!!"

2. The funniest joke to T lately is" Why was the cat playing with the others? Because they were playing cat!" No, I don't get it, but I guess it's all in the delivery, over and over. Apparently if you keep repeating it the joke gets funnier.

3. Pecans in salad, oatmeal, by the hand full, roasted...  I am getting burned out on pecans...  So sad. Maybe I need a pecan break. 

4. I need new glasses. I didn't need glasses at all until three years ago. Then things just started to get more blurry. I assumed all printers were just printing things smaller and fuzzier. Maybe it was just a lack of quality control in all printer companies. That worked for me until my wife said she had no problem reading the print on things that I couldn't. So I got glasses. That was three years ago, but now I am sure those printer companies are lacking in quality control again because now even when I wear my glasses the print is getting fuzzy again. 

5. Potty humor. On a car ride T decided he had to poop. We stopped at a YMCA and used the bathroom in the lobby. T got situated on the toilet and I waited outside his stall door. I waited, and waited. Getting impatient I asked, "Are you done yet?" "No, not yet." he replied, "I still have a little more on the left side." Now, that is being in tune with your body. 

6. My wife and I went out on an after dark date last night for her birthday. We went to a nice restaurant. The good news is that on her birthday they carded her for her margarita. If I was thinking in advance I should have suggested the waiter do that, but luckily he did it anyway. That was the best birthday present ever right there. The bad news is that after dinner we had no idea what to do. We ruled out most date things because we were too tired, or didn't want to sit in a theatre not talking to each other for two hours. We ended up shopping at Target and went home. I remember when we used to be cool and dates didn't include shopping for cleaning products and drain openers. 

7. The chickens are 43 days old out of 63 days. Right on schedule the dreaded reaction to the LT vaccine they get started rearing its ugly head. Luckily it is only taking hold in one house of the six, and a little higher mortality in another house. The rest are still doing well. With any luck, maybe they will stay healthy all the way until the sell date. That would be nice. I could use a break right about now. 

8. Q is getting some teeth! She has one through the gums, and a second one just about to come through. That little baby wants teeth. She definitely does not like to watch her older brother eat foods and not be able to have any of what he is eating. She knows her sweet potato puree is not a chicken nugget... That transfers to everything else lately. She wants everything her brother has. What ever toy he is playing with is also her favorite toy. She will crawl across the room to try and grab the toys he has in his hands. Luckily T is being very understanding and giving her alternate things to play with. He is such a good big brother.

9. A photographer asked if she could borrow Q for a sitting. She was working on different lighting techniques I believe and needed a model to shoot. Of course we agreed. Q loves to help out. My wife has the link posted on her site. Stop by and check it out! The pictures came out very cute.

10. I have been bombarded by spam comments recently. Has someone in russia decided I have a "cool name for a blog of this kind!" and shared it with all of his friends? Is there a way to block all comments from Russia?


Preston said...

Sometimes all we have are random thoughts. Good luck with your Chickens dude and your date could have been worse. You could have gone food shopping afterwards. LOL

Elle said...

Hey, no fair! I thought we had a "cool name for a blog of this kind". You mean we aren't the only ones? LOL! Happy Birthday to your wife! Getting carded is just awesome. We have those dates too.

Rob said...

I really enjoy your site, I added your button to my site so I as well and others can visit your site daily.

Ken said...

Presto: Good to see you back again. Hope the chimney situation is taken care of. Thanks for the good wishes on the chickens. Seems it is working so far.
Rob: Thanks for adding me. I returned the favor and added you as well.
Elle: Well, I guess in a way we are all cool. Maybe they should just not tell us quite so often.